Hoffman reid
Hoffman reid

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He added: "My experience of building many, many teams over the last 15 years is that there is this golden moment when you really have a very close knit, small focused team. "One of the advantages of doing this in a start-up is that we can go much faster and be more dynamic." "Even at the bigger tech companies, there's a relatively small number of people actually building these (AI) models," he said.

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One of the most notable language-generating AI models is OpenAI's GPT-3 but tech giants including Google, Meta and Microsoft are building their own systems.Īsked how he plans to compete with the armies of researchers and engineers at these firms, Suleyman said a small group of talented individuals can have a huge impact. He also led the company's applied AI efforts for several years both pre- and post-acquisition. In the lead-up to the Google acquisition, Suleyman helped DeepMind to raise millions of dollars from billionaires including Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. The entrepreneurs have known each other for almost 10 years.īefore joining Google, Suleyman co-founded DeepMind in London with childhood friend Demis Hassabis and New Zealander Shane Legg in 2010. The announcement of Inflection, shared exclusively with CNBC, comes just a few weeks after Suleyman said he was quitting his VP role at Google to work alongside Hoffman at Greylock Partners, a renowned venture capital firm that invested in the likes of Facebook (now Meta ) and Airbnb. It's a privilege to join him and Karen in building Inflection." "Mustafa has been at the forefront of some of the most exciting advances in artificial intelligence. "AI is one of the most transformative technologies of our time," Hoffman said in a statement shared with CNBC. Inflection will be led by Suleyman, who will take on the role of CEO.

Hoffman reid